Pheromones for Dummies?
By Charles Moffat

This article/website was originally written/designed in 1999. The content has not been changed, but the format/appearance has. Even though some of its content may be a little out of date, we believe the article is still of great interest. Please enjoy.

The world revolves around sex. Its more true than people know. The world does not really revolve around money, because money is merely a means of getting what you want.... and what do people want? Sex.

And you wonder why porn, viagra pills and sexy car companies make so much money.

With the understanding now that the world really revolves around sex, being one of the three things that human beings are meant to do (eat, sleep and fornicate), we can now determine that everything we do, with the exception of striving for the money to put bread on the table, is somehow tied to sex.

Money is tied to sex.

And which part of our population is the most obsessed with sex? Why its the same part that visits the malls the most..... teenagers and young adults. Sexual obsession is the biggest part of their psyche.

Even the religious ones are obsessed with sex, but not in the normal way. In some cases they view their sexuality as a bad thing, a sin just to have naughty thoughts. They try to repress their own feelings and sexual needs. They’re obsessed with suppressing their sexuality. Either way, they’re still obsessed with sex.

Next we have to understand WHY teenagers and young adults are so sexually obsessed.

The name is Pheromones baby.

Yeah baby...

Pheromones, that little understood way humans communicate with each other without knowing it.

Do you know anything about aromatherapy? Well, pheromones goes on the same principal.

Smell (olfaction) is the least understood of our five senses and yet is perhaps the most powerful. The olfactory membrane is the only place in the human body where the central nervous system is exposed and in direct contact with the environment. When an olfactory receptor cell is stimulated, an impulse travels along the olfactory nerve to the limbic portion of the brain (sometimes referred to as the reptilian or old brain) where memory, hunger, sexual response or emotion is evoked. Before consciously knowing we are in contact with an aroma, our subconscious mind has already received and reacted to it.

What does that mean for us?

Well, if you are into aromatherapy, that means scented candles and incense (or even scented shampoo) can be used to incite certain feelings or moods.


  • Lavender promotes concentration and meditation (prefect for exam crunch time!).
  • Bergamot promotes a balanced sunny attitude.
  • Black spruce: optimism and upliftment.
  • Cedarwood: Calming, stabilizing, harmonizing, comforting.
  • Chamomile: Sedating, nurturing, soothing, calming, reassuring.
  • Coriander, Frangipani, Ginseng, Jasmine, Narcissus, Patchouli, Rose, Vanilla however are all aphrodisiacs.....

    Which is how we get back to pheromones. Pheromones are aphrodisiacs in the purest sense, perhaps more so because they are the really hormones that are released for the sheer purpose of attracting people of the opposite sex.

    Viagra and chocolate are ingested aphrodisiacs, we all know that, but our sense of smell is surprisingly powerful in its ability to elicit moods from us. Especially where the pheromones are concerned, because they appeal to humans on an one to one basis. The pheromones usually originate (radiate....?) from the sexual glands.

    Have you ever wondered where the male cologne MUSK comes from...? It comes from the sexual organs of muskox. Can you believe that? People actually hunt muskox for their sexual organs, because the musk is such a powerful aphrodisiac. And why is that? Apparently the pheromones from muskox are actually almost identical to those of humans.

    Bad luck for the muskox, wouldn't you say?

    Thankfully we haven't started harvesting humans for their sexual organs.

  • Have you ever seen the television show "The Kids In The Hall"? There's one skit in which one of the characters decides to skip wearing deoderant and goes to work.... His sweat turns out to be a powerful aphrodisiac that his boss ends up marketing as a perfume, and later as shampoos and bodywashes, etc.... The whole thing makes him into a millionaire and all he has to do is run on a treadmill constantly while they collect his sweat. Its all very disgusting actually.

    Back to the teenagers. Because this is the time in their life that humans are MEANT to be fornicating and reproducing, they are also the group that radiates the most hormones. They cannot really help it either, they are walking sexual magnets.

    Ever went out on a date and you suddenly feel very buzzed and feel the urge to kiss your date very passionately? Thats because both you and your date's hormones are working overtime. Imagine it if you will, when you go on a date, and the whole preparing for the date, you are already pretty excited. The hormones tend to build up and the adrenaline starts pumping.

    The next thing you know the two of you are madly kissing each other in public and wanting nothing more than that moment to last forever.

    Pheromones are a drug, that much is certain. Just as chocolate is a drug.

    On an offshoot of this topic, you remember the Greek Myth of Narcissus? The young man (an Adonis of sorts) who fell in love with himself and wanted nothing more than stare at his reflection all day by a pond where flowers grew? If you remember above, Narcissus is listed as one of the aphrodisiacs, and thats the flower that was named after this young man.

    There might actually be some truth to that story. A young man who sniffed the narcissus flowers too much and ended up falling in love with himself?

    Gay men are sometimes regarded to be narcissistic too, which is something of interest. In love with their own bodies? Could it be possible that the pheromones effect gay men in a different way, perhaps in a fashion that they are own pheromones are on quite constantly, they get used to it and as result the pheromones cause themselves to be attracted to only people who have male pheromones..... namely other males.

    Thats an important distinction. Male pheromones are meant to attract females and female pheromones are meant to attract males.

    If a man or woman is raised is some fashion, or perhaps was born with something different in their olfactory sense of smell, then that may indeed have effected how they react to pheromones, and as a result made them gay, lesbian or bi.

    Its one possibility amongst many.

    Its interesting to note that musk and cologne is reputedly quite popular amongst the gay community here in Toronto. Is there any truth to that? You tell me.

    When Disney corporation made the movie Aladdin and called the princess "Jasmine" did they realize they were promoting a popular aphrodisiac? Who knows. Its possible, considering that she's obviously the biggest sex symbol in the movie (asides from the dancers with the silk scarfs...).

    Next on my agenda, there is a number of new soft drinks out there and available... Ones specifically designed because of their smell and certain chemicals inside them that are meant to work as aphrodisiacs and also stimulants in order to promote more activity. They are becoming popular at raves and downtown dance clubs.

    Which is frequented most by whom....?


    Teenagers are also the most sexually repressed group of people. Between parents and teachers, and other adults, they are being told sex is bad.

    Meanwhile the commercialism and their own pheromones are yelling SEX, SEX, SEX and MORE SEX....

    You get on the bus and right away you see an ad for Sex for Life and Viagra Alternatives...?

    We're back to the money again. A private investigater show (I think it was either Magnum PI, or V.I.Warshawski) once said the line follow the money and you will find the reason. In this case all money seems to lead to sex. Whether its viagra for old men or condom machines at highschools.

    Teenagers (and the more sexually active and sometimes obsessed adults) are a major part of the North American workforce, but more importantly a large part of the consumers are teenagers. With such a large portion of society being obsessed with sex, its no wonder that SEX SELLS.

    In conclusion to this fun-filled essay (of sorts) which does not really have a thesis which I hope you enjoyed, I predict that in the next couple of years some pharmaceutical company will likely come out with some kind of "Sex in a Bottle" drug, which will undoubtible be really popular with both the teenagers and the impotent old men because it will be able to promote orgasms with a single drink.

    Society is sick sometimes.


    If you'd like more info on aromatherapy, visit