Korovia - Free License Fantasy World

Korovia - The Free License Fantasy World

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Chapter Three: Cosmology & Gods

Korovia has many gods and separate pantheons for some of them. There are gods of good, law, chaos, evil, many neutral gods, and gods of nature. There are also numerous demi-gods and quasi-deities. All of the deities found in the PHB and related books can be found in Korovia. "Greek Gods" are considered to be dead gods who abandoned Korovia during the last demon war.

The two most popular in the kingdom of Korovia is the two moon gods. Otherwise there are literally hundreds of deities and demi-gods to choose from.

(God of the Red Moon, Patron God of Bloodlust and Vampires)

Many assassins and evil warriors/clerics worship Xarsius. His symbol is a red moon with two crossed scythes on it. The scythe is the favoured weapon of his clerics. Sickles are also sometimes used. Xarsius clerics like to disguise themselves as farmers and murder people, who they consider as sacrifices for their god’s bloodlust.

According to his clerics, Xarsius is the enemy of Metrequia and he laughs at her slowness as she chases him across the sky.

(Goddess of the White Moon, Patron Goddess of Purity and Goodness)

Paladins and clerical healers generally worship Metrequia (along with a host of other lawful good deities). Metrequia is the default paladin god if no other is stated. Otherwise a paladin could be considered to worship the whole pantheon of lawful good deities (including Orax below).

The holy symbol of Metrequia is a white moon with a gray shield. The gray shield symbolizes that sometimes a paladin must do something that is slightly unethical if it means a greater good. It should still be a last resort however. Archaic Korovian Knights (known for their holy rages) are a prime example of how the unethical act of losing ones temper is still for the benefit of the greater good. The bastardsword is the favoured weapon of Metrequia’s clerics.

According to her clerics, Metrequia is the enemy of Xarsius and she chases him across the sky trying to capture him.

(Minotaur God of Honour and Strength)

While being the principle god of Minotaur monks and paladins, some humans and dwarves also worship Orax. There are clerics also, but most minotaurs prefer to hone their monk skills before becoming a cleric. The symbol of Orax is a white 4-sided diamond (signifying invulnerability and purity) with an image of meditating minotaur inside it.

The favoured weapon of Orax is unarmed combat and believes that armed combat is unethical. Foot, fist and horn are therefore the choice weapons of paladins, monks and clerics that worship him. His worshippers still train with other weapons in case of an emergency where they have no choice. His chosen often forsake armour as well. Orax’s chief enemy is another minotaur god, Braezak.

(Minotaur God of Death)

Necromancers, assassins, mercenaries and evil soldiers like to worship Braezak (lawful evil). Some evil monks and druids also worship him. His holy symbol is a black oval with a white minotaur skull inside. Most minotaurs in Korovia are lawful good, but some minotaurs do not always fall into that category. Fallen paladins (minotaur, human and otherwise) tend to worship Braezak and are called Skullguards (use the blackguard prestige class).

The favoured weapon of a Skullguard is the Great-axe. Some Skullguards have been known to become Death Knights.

(Drow Elf Goddess of Caves, Mushrooms and Bats)

Eravia is a benevolent (chaotic good) goddess of caves and all of the natural creatures (and plants) that live in them. Thus her patron animals are things like bats and cave-bears. Mushrooms and mosses are also important to her faithful. While being an elvish goddess who is usually worshipped by druids, some gnomes and even miconid mushroom-folk also worship her.

Her holy symbol is a black circle with a white mushroom in the middle.

Lazriak the Wicked
(God of Wolves and Were-Wolves)

The wolf-priests of Lazriak are technically not real priests. They’re evil druids who worship Lazriak, or at least pay him homage. There is a whole pantheon of nature gods and Lazriak is one of the more notorious (and the most recent mortal to rise to godhood). His holy symbol is a black wolf with wings.

They have no prestige class, yet, but his popularity is growing. Once called the Cult of the Wolf, Lazriak’s druids now have an official god and they go out of their way to create war and destruction. The druids are hunters and they quite literally use cunning wolf-pack tactics. So much so that a ranger with wolf as his favoured enemy actually gains the bonuses when fighting against Wolf-priests.

Lazriak himself was once a druid. He grew to such power that he no longer aged. He developed an army of followers, wolf and humanoid alike. It is Lazriak some say who “invented” were-wolves. Lazriak’s enemies in life were elves, the divine hunters. That much is still true in godhood and as such Lazriak’s wolf-priests often are involved in plots to kill elves.

Karolina the Cold
(Goddess of Frost)

This lawful good goddess of cold used to be popular amongst paladins, but for twelve years new, the patron goddess of Azek has been losing followers. While the glaciers have been melting and the winters becoming less harsh, her power has started to wane as once devoted followers and even clerics have begun to enjoy the new warmer climate. As a Lawful Neutral goddess of nature, Karolina’s once powerful clergy have since found themselves scrambling. Her symbol is an 8-pointed star-snowflake.

As such many of her clerics have actually moved farther north, or to more mountainous regions, so they could monasteries of frost and ice in her honour. The once proud city of Azek appears to have lost its patron goddess and its grand temple of ice has since melted away. While Azek is still cold in the winter, it is no longer snow covered all year long. Plants that have lied dormant beneath the ice have started to grow and the city is now green, something it hasn’t been in over 4000 years.

Karolina’s clergy has become reclusive and is no longer able to actively promote their goddess as they once did. Some of their clergy have even switched religions.

Triquirius the Giver of Fire
(God of Fire and Rebirth)

This neutral good god of fire preaches the responsible use of fire as a tool and as a weapon. He is worshipped by metalsmiths, dwarves, rangers, druids and similar peoples. Even some paladins are known to pray to Triquirius. He is associated with the titan Prometheus, who according to ancient legend gave fire to the dwarves, and dwarves taught the gift to the other races. He is also the god of rebirth and the pheonix is a sacred creature to Triquirius. Some dragons and barbarians also worship him.

The symbol for Triquirius's temple is two candle flames sitting beside each other. In ancient times the symbol was only a single candle flame. According to prophecy he will be reborn three times, and when the third rebirth happens he will change the symbols of the church to three candles.

The Dead God Saraz:
(Deceased God of War)

Saraz sided with the demons during the last Demon War. All of his followers were destroyed during the Demon War and when his avatar was caught in battle, his godly strength left him and he became a demi-god and therefore more vulnerable. An army of heroes destroyed him, but the explosion of his death killed many of the heroes and demons alike. There were few leaders left in the wake of the destruction and Korovia entered the dark ages as Saraz also released a curse that caused Korovia to become covered with glaciers, damning Korovia for over 4 millenia.

Saraz and his clergy left behind many underground temples and ancient fortresses. Most of them have been destroyed utterly, but tales of adventurers finding these fortresses and temples do happen occasionally and the riches stored within them. However, it should be warned that many of these items are cursed or evil in nature, and so it is adventurer beware.

Powerful wizards have been known to visit the dead corpse of Saraz on the Astral Plane. The githyanki use it as a floating island. This is knowledge that only scholars and sages would know however.

Chapter 1: The History of Korovia Chapter 2: Towns, Cities & Guilds Chapter 3: Cosmology & Gods Chapter 4: Races & Classes Chapter 5: Feats & Skills Chapter 6: NPCs & Plots
Chapter 7: Spells Chapter 8: Monsters Chapter 9: Treasure & Special Items Chapter 10: House Rules Chapter 11: Maps

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