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Chapter Nine: Treasure & Special Items

All of the alchemical items found in the Arms & Equipment Guide (published by Wizards of the Coast) are available in Korovia. Many of the exotic weapons and other items are also available. Check with the DM to make sure.

Gnomish Flame-Thrower
(Exotic Weapon)
Range Increment: 20 ft.
Cost: 300 gp
Weight: 15 lbs.

A person must be proficient with a gnomish flame-thrower in order to properly aim it and reload it. Reloading a flame-thrower is a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Gnomes are automatically proficient with this weapon because they have been raised with them. It delivers a blast of flame to a short-range target and is effectively a grenade-like weapon for determining who is injured. The machine looks a bit like a heavy crossbow but with a glass bottle loaded where the crossbow bolt would normally go. The bottles contain 30 gp worth of “alchemists fire”. Each blast from the flame-thrower deals the same damage as throwing a vial of acid (it does not last longer). The bottle contains enough for 5 shots. Inside the flame-thrower is a spring that must be replaced or fixed once per month. If the spring stop working, the user can always just throw the bottle at the enemy. Once exposed to air, the alchemist’s fire will burn for 3 rounds instead of the normal 2.

The advantage of a gnomish flame-thrower is that it makes alchemist’s fire last longer, has a better range and can be shot multiple times per round if a person has multiple attacks. A PC with Point Blank Shot and other related feats can gain benefits from such feats to deal extra damage/etc. Having Point Blank Shot can increase the regular damage to 1d6+1 and increase splash damage to 2 points. A PC with Precise Shot for example can use the flame-thrower to hit a specific person and not have any splash damage on their allies. PCs who use gnomish flame-throwers often take Pyro as a feat, which increases their damage with all fire items/spells by +1.

Gnomish Magnesium Torch
(Simple Weapon)
Cost: 30 or 40 gp (light and heavy versions)
Weight: 4 or 8 lbs.

A gnomish weapon, it functions like a Sunrod, but looks more like a steel club or mace. It burns magnesium that is attached inside the hollow end. Small holes and slots inside the thick club end of it allow light to get out and illuminate just like a Sunrod. Magnesium burns very brightly and even burns under water. When hitting an enemy, sparks from inside the torch go through the holes and deal 1 extra point of fire damage to a target. The magnesium inside costs 3 gp and lasts 6 hours thanks to extra chemicals that help it last longer. To extinguish the torch, a person must put it in a place where it will run out of oxygen (water has oxygen in it). A special leather bag/scabbard is often sold with the torch. Placing the torch inside the bag effectively snuffs out its access to oxygen. Most alchemy shops and some wizard shops have magnesium for sale. It is a common component for fire-based spells. The torch functions like a light mace and costs 30 gp. There are also heavy mace versions that cost 40 gp.

Gnomish Grenade
(Alchemy Item)
Range Increment: 20 ft.
Cost: 50 gp
Weight: 5 lb.

About the size of a human skull and often carved with danger warnings, gnomish grenades are dangerous devices that sometimes explode without warning. Storing large numbers of gnomish grenades together is a very bad idea. Also the grenades must be kept relatively dry. Dousing the grenade with water (about a cupful) causes a chain reaction inside the grenade. After dousing the user has about 3 seconds to throw it, before it explodes. A direct hit with a gnomish grenade deals 2d6 fire and shrapnel damage (no save). All creatures within 10 ft’ suffer 2 points of shrapnel damage and make a reflex save for half. Creatures immune to fire automatically suffer only half damage. The grenade is usually sold in a small “somewhat” watertight leather bag. Swimming with the grenade is usually enough to set it off, in which case it only deals shrapnel damage under water. Warning! Do not store Gnomish Grenades with Alchemist’s Fire.

Korovian Great Spear
(Exotic Weapon)
Range Increment: 10 ft.
Cost: 100 gp
Weight: 15 lbs.

Six feet long and much heavier than a quarterstaff, the Korovian Great Spear has a three-point-tip similar to a ranseur with two wickedly sharp hooks on the sides. The haft is reinforced with extra steel bands to make it resistant to breaking. A proficient PC may use it with one or two hands (non-proficiency requires 2 hands) and it deals 1d10 damage (critical x3). The weapon can be thrown (range increment 10 feet), can be used as a double weapon for 1d10/1d6 (the blunt end makes an useful club), may be used to make trip attacks like a pole-arm, and may be readied against a charge to deal double damage. It is considered to be both an exotic pole-arm and an exotic spear, but is heavier (15 lbs). The weapon relies on its weight to inflict extra damage, so using a mythral version of the weapon reduces its damage to 1d8. Adamantium versions are useful for sundering. Wizards in Korovia don’t enchant quarterstaffs very often. Instead the default weapon of choice is the Korovian Great Spear.

Non-proficient users attempting to throw a great spear suffer a –8 to their attack.

Shepherd’s Staff
(Simple Weapon)

The shepherd’s staff is like a quarterstaff but with a hook on one end, it is useful for tripping and grabbing things, and is popular with farmers and merchants. Other simple weapons that are popular with peasants/merchants in Korovia are: Three-section staff (see Arms & Equipment Guide),

Mercurial Greatsword
(Exotic Weapon)

This is a popular weapon in Korovia, especially amongst fighters and mercenaries. See Arms & Equipment Guide published by Wizards of the Coast or Ask DM for details.

(Exotic Weapon)

This is a popular weapon for fighters in Korovia, and is also sometimes used by minotaur pirates (minotaurs don’t need to use a feat to use this weapon). See Arms & Equipment Guide published by Wizards of the Coast or Ask DM for details.

Alternative Melee and Missile Magical Abilities:
Special Abilities Base Price Modifier
Flanking +1
Intimidation +1
Disarming +2
Protection +2
Sundering +2
Tripping +2
Opportunity +5
Unnerving +5

Flanking: During melee combat whenever the wielder flanks an opponent they suddenly gain extraordinary insight into their next attack that grants them +1d6 bonus damage (treat as a sneak attack) and a +4 to hit (instead of the normal +2).
Moderate Enchantment: CL 5h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, True Strike; Price +1 Bonus.

Intimidation: The weapon has an aura that scares opponents and grants the user +5 bonus on Intimidation Checks.
Moderate Enchantment: CL 5h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Charm Person or Silent Image; Price +1 Bonus.

Disarming: When making a full melee attack, the wielder of a disarming weapon gains one extra attack with it, which can only be used to make a disarm attempt. The extra attack uses their full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers.
Moderate Transmutation: CL 6h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Grease and Haste; Price +2 Bonus.

Protection: During melee combat a protection weapon grants the PC an AC bonus equal to the weapon’s bonus (the PC must be using the weapon in their primary hand to get the bonus).
Moderate Abjuration: CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Shield or Shield of Faith and Protection vs. Etc; Price +2 Bonus.

Sundering: When making a full melee attack, the wielder of a sundering weapon gains one extra attack with it, which can only be used to make a sunder attempt. The extra attack uses their full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers.
Moderate Transmutation: CL 6h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Shatter and Haste; Price +2 Bonus.

Tripping: When making a full melee attack, the wielder of a tripping weapon gains one extra attack with it, which can only be used to make a trip attempt. The extra attack uses their full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers.
Moderate Transmutation: CL 6h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Grease and Haste; Price +2 Bonus.

Opportunity: Treat as a Speed weapon, but with this additional ability: During melee combat whenever the wielder would gain an attack of opportunity, this weapon suddenly becomes incredibly fast and allows the wielder two attacks of opportunity instead. Treat this as only 1 attack towards the wielder’s maximum per round.
Strong Transmutation: CL 15h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, True Strike and Haste; Price +5 Bonus.

Unnerving: During combat whenever the wielder successfully hits an opponent then the opponent must roll a Fortitude Save with a DC of 15. If the save fails then they gain 1 negative level as if they had been effected by an Enervation spell. The effected creature feels as if they have just lost part if their willpower and energy, and feel rather “unnerved” by the situation.
Strong Necromancy: CL 15h; Craft Magic Arms & Armour, Enervation; Price +5 Bonus.

Clerical Medallion
Usable by anyone, this small medallion engraved with symbols of various deities allows any user to cast one 1st level cleric spell/day. The item is usually created by Clerics of All and is considered to be highly useful and valued by adventurers.

Violin of the Enchantress
Usable by bards or wizards, the Violin of the Enchantress allows the user to cast Sleep 3/day, Charm Person 3/day and Charm Monster 2/day. The casting level is 12th.The violin gives a +4 bonus to perform checks made with it.

Violin of Warmth & Springtime
Usable by bards or wizards, the Violin of Warmth & Springtime allows the user to cast Gust of Wind 3/day, Control Winds 3/day and Control Weather 2/day. The casting level is 14th and a bard playing for longer times can increase the duration an equal amount. When used the user can deliberately play the violin BADLY, with the result of creating bad weather instead of good. The violin gives a +8 bonus to perform checks made with it.

Frostleaf Tea
Soothes nightmares, grants the imbiber a +2 bonus vs illusion spells for 8 hours.

Spectacles of Read Magic
Grants the user the Read Magic ability whenever worn.

Temple of the Divine Light Ring (teleport ring):
Transports user(s) to the Temple of Divine Light in Kost. There are only 3 of these rings in existence. Lilith Bloodstone has one. Lord Wilhelm has another. The third ring is lost and has not yet been found. The rings can be used 20 times/day and also provides a +2 protection bonus to AC.

Tome of Havok:

Created by a group of powerful wild mages it is sometimes called the Tome of Chaos Magic. It is a powerful artifact that any arcane spell-caster (or even a rogue with 1 rank of Use Magical Device) may use to unleash powerful magical spells. These spells have a high percentage of being disastrous however, and usually can damage the user as well. The tome is written is elvish, so any spell-caster that can read elvish is able to use it.

When casting any of the spells within (which are usable like a book of permanent scrolls) the user must roll a d20 to determine how badly the spell will effect the user (and possibly the users allies). A roll of 20 means the user will survive completely unscathed. A roll of 1 means the user better have really good saving throws or else they’re screwed. Any roll in between with have a chance to badly effect the user and allies. The user may add their key spellcasting ability bonus to their roll in an effort to increase their chances of survival (a rogue has no key ability).

When deciding which spells to use in the book, the user must rely solely on the name of the spell. The name gives a vague idea of what the spell will do (Acid Tsunami for example). The user selects a target (if possible) and then the DM decides the results after the d20 is rolled.

Acid Tsunami is a historical example of this artifact in use. According to Maximilian the Conjurer, his party of adventurers once used this spell when trolls surrounded them. The Acid Tsunami created a wall of acid that spread outwards and engulfed the trolls, killed all the trees (everything!) within 200 yards of them, and then started to come back towards the adventurers. In a panic, the party used a Dimension Door scroll to escape.

Book of the Dead God Saraz:
Contains knowledge of EVIL ancient divine spells, but it also contains info for creating an unlimited number of stone golems. Unlike a standard tome for making golems, this tome can make an unlimited number. The only question is the price of materials. The God Saraz was destroyed during the last demon war. This book also contains the knowledge needed for bringing him back to life. It is considered to be a holy artifact.

Chapter 1: The History of Korovia Chapter 2: Towns, Cities & Guilds Chapter 3: Cosmology & Gods Chapter 4: Races & Classes Chapter 5: Feats & Skills Chapter 6: NPCs & Plots
Chapter 7: Spells Chapter 8: Monsters Chapter 9: Treasure & Special Items Chapter 10: House Rules Chapter 11: Maps

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